Start with reveal.js
1 min readOct 6, 2021
reveal.js with markdown
0. Installation
0–1 Reveal.js extension in vscode:
0–2 Open a new folder & create a file
0–3 Write some basic setting for your reveal.js:
theme : "night"transition: "slide"highlightTheme: "monokai"# logoImg: "logo.png"slideNumber: truetitle: "YOUR TITLE"
### YOUR TITLE<style>pre {background: #303030;padding: 10px 16px;border-radius: 0.3em;counter-reset: line;}pre code[class*="="] .line {display: block;line-height: 1.8rem;font-size: 1em;}pre code[class*="="] .line:before {counter-increment: line;content: counter(line);display: inline-block;border-right: 3px solid #6ce26c !important;padding: 0 .5em;margin-right: .5em;color: #afafaf !important;width: 24px;text-align: right;}.reveal .slides > section > section {text-align:left;}h1,h2,h3,h4 {text-align: center}p {text-align: center;}</style>
In this setting,
Horizontal page:
Vertical page:
And other usages are just like you markdown format. But remember to leave one line with each page.
For example:
--- ### page a--### page a-1---### page b---